Board of Management

The Board of Management was established under the provisions of the Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 1992 and the Post 16 Education (Scotland) Act 2013. The Board has a duty to strategically manage the College to ensure that it provides suitable and efficient education to its students.

The Board consists of a maximum of 20 members, including the Principal, 2 Staff members (teaching and non-teaching), 2 Trade Union Members and 2 Student Members. The remainder comprise those with experience in industrial, commercial, professional or employment matters.

Members of the Board serve on a voluntary basis, without remuneration. Mainly they are appointed for 4 year term of office . The Board normally meets 4 or 5 times per year. Its work is supported by a number of Committees including Finance, HR (Including Nomination) , Strategic Development, Audit and Remuneration.

Under the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc.(Scotland) Act 2000, Board Members are required to comply with a Code of Conduct including the maintenance of a Register of Interests.

The Register can be downloaded here.

Meetings & Committees