Women into STEM – which is led by West College Scotland in partnership with Forth Valley College and Equate Scotland – is gearing up for an exciting second phase after a full year of encouraging more female representation into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics roles.
Plans for the next 12 months include the Women into Stem bespoke website landing page which can be found by clicking https://www.westcollegescotland.ac.uk/courses/women-into-stem/women-into-stem/
The Women into STEM Project – which will run to 31 March 2023 - has been working with Equate Scotland to work with stakeholders, employers and partners to develop awareness, access, and participation for young women to thrive within STEM activities and pathways. The initiative also hopes to develop sustainable Apprenticeship Pathways, and recruit, prepare, and progress female pupils aged between 16-24 into STEM careers - including into Engineering Modern Apprenticeships - across the West of Scotland and the Forth Valley area.
William Forrest, Operations Manager for Engineering, Forth Valley College, said: “We are delighted to be involved in this exciting initiative in order to encourage more women to consider a career in engineering. Our world needs engineers to innovate and make changes which improve our lives and reduce our harm to the planet. This partnership will raise awareness of the wide range of opportunities out there and encourage more young women to be a part of the fourth industrial revolution.”
Anyone wishing to find out more about the Women into STEM initiative, should contact Gillian Gray, West College Scotland’s Development Funding Executive – Business, Enterprise & Innovation, on gillian.gray@wcs.ac.uk or Pauline Jackson FVC’s Development and Fundraising Manager on Pauline.jackson@forthvalley.ac.uk
Find more about Women into STEM from a recent article on FVC’s news page https://www.forthvalley.ac.uk/news-events/all-systems-flow-for-women-into-stem/