Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you will be eligible to apply for a Student Loan next academic session. 




Yes, Council Tax discount still applies.



Yes, you will need to re-submit your bursary application for Maintenance, Travel, Housing & Childcare.  These funds are means-tested and the College will need to check if any of your circumstances have changed since you applied previously.  The bursary application site should be available by the end of June 2021.

Yes, you will need to submit an online SAAS Funding Application for session 2021/22 to have your tuition fees paid. 


No, you will automatically be issued with an Unconditional Offer for next session once you have e-mailed confirming you wish to repeat your course next academic session.  You will then be e-mailed a link to enrol online over the summer. 


No, you will need to re-apply via the College website when applications for session 2022/23 open in late October 2021. 

No, students who have paid their fees in full will receive a discretionary fee waiver from the College for 21/22

Students who have paid some of their fees should make arrangements to pay the remainder of their fees for 21/22 i.e. by setting up a card payment or direct debit.

Students who have not paid their fees for 20/21 and plan to repeat the year, please make arrangements to pay your fees for 21/22 i.e. by card payment or by setting up a direct debit.