A four college collaboration involving Forth Valley College has received a support boost from NHS Forth Valley, who have offered a guaranteed interview to anyone who graduates from a new fast track course.
The six month format of HNC Care and Administrative Practice course has been created through the East Central Scotland Colleges Collaboration - FVC, Fife, Edinburgh and West Lothian Colleges. It will start in January 2021 and will end in June the same year. Normally this course would cover a full academic year.
The Collaboration was launched recently to deliver skills and opportunities in Scotland to support the economic recovery from the downturn created by the Coronavirus pandemic and has produced a comprehensive skills programme designed to help meet the future needs of the Scottish economy.
Ellen Hudson, Deputy Nurse Director for NHS Forth Valley, said: “NHS Forth Valley are always delighted when anyone chooses the NHS as a career path. The biggest hurdle in any job application process is securing an interview and this guarantee gives people the opportunity to not only demonstrate their knowledge and learning, but also their personal qualities.
“This is a great way of attracting our future staff and is particularly timely, given the need for economic recovery due to coronavirus. We applaud Forth Valley College for establishing this excellent scheme.”
Sarah Higgins, FVC’s Director of Curriculum for the Department of Care, Sport and Construction, said: “This is excellent news. The endorsement of the scheme by NHS Forth Valley and their offer of a guaranteed interview for roles in their organisation for people who successfully complete this course will be a great incentive for anyone looking to change their career path in these difficult times.
“The Collaboration initiative is targeting exactly the skills, training and employment needs in our local industries right now and we urge anyone who has had their employment affected by the pandemic lockdown, to look at the types of Reset courses on offer across all four colleges involved. We are sure there will be something for everyone.”
The Collaboration has developed a range of reskilling and upskilling Reset Courses in order for colleges to provide much needed support to individuals and employers who are set to be hit by the economic downturn caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.
They include the creation of Skills Boost Academies in key areas such as digital and industry, and Accelerator Programmes (Fast Track), which will see colleges across Scotland offer accelerated versions of existing qualifications that are already on offer, such as engineering, computing and care. These innovative programmes will place the College sector at the forefront of the country’s agenda for economic recovery.
Each course has been launched by the four colleges alongside Skills Development Scotland (SDS) having analysed labour market information, unemployment rates, levels of furlough, growth sectors and the local knowledge each of the colleges have of their region.
It comes after the Scottish Government formally launched the Young Person's Guarantee recently which is designed to help those whose job prospects are set to be hit by the Coronavirus pandemic.
Each of the proposals closely align with the skills-related commitments set out in the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government and target areas that are seen as an economic priority for Scotland.
You can find out more by visiting https://www.forthvalley.ac.uk/reset