INEOS employees – who are gearing up to become mentors during an exciting- STEM Summer School based at Forth Valley College’s Falkirk Campus – visited the College recently for an induction event.
Running from Monday 27 June to Friday 1 July, (9.30am – 3.30pm) the Summer School includes a fantastic mix of hands-on practical workshops and project-work, led by a combination of lecturing staff, alumni and industry experts.
With the generous support of INEOS, both financially and through the provision of employee mentors, the young people taking part will have a fantastic opportunity to take part in a range of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) related workshops, whilst working towards achieving their Bronze Crest Award.
The mentors were introduced to FVC and then given a tour of the labs and workshops where they will be supporting the young people with their projects during the summer. This will also be the first STEM Summer School to take place since the pandemic and the first one in the new Falkirk Campus so it is going to be a very exciting week for everyone involved.
The INEOS Mentors who visited the FVC Falkirk Campus on Friday 10 June were: Olivia Steele (Business Analyst), Timothy Beesley (Project Manager, KG Technical team), Vanessa Flynn (Projects Planner, Hydrocarbons Export), Kate Miller (Electrical Assurance Engineer), Graeme Queen (Mechanical Workpack Specialist, Central TAR Team), Rachel Travers (Technical Support Engineer, Infrastructure/Regeneration), William Yates (Polymers Mech TAR Engineer) and+ Ryan Krykant (Process Engineer).
Three others Jennifer Maxwell (SHE coordinator, labs), Megan Morton (Lab technician) and Gemma Taylor (Process Technician) were unable to attend on the day.
During the week long course the young people will also go on a visit to the INEOS site in Grangemouth giving them a valuable insight into earn high performance chemicals and materials production, where they will be given a tour and an opportunity to discuss different employment opportunities and job roles within the company.
Pauline Jackson, FVC Development and Fundraising Manager, said: “Thanks to the support from INEOS we are able, once again, to offer our amazing STEM Summer School free of charge for the young people taking part. This will be the first one to take place in our new Falkirk Campus and also the first since the pandemic, so it is going to be a very special week for everyone involved. In addition, the theme for this year is focusing very much on the transition to net zero and how STEM plays an important role in developing solutions to reduce the impact of climate change.”
To find out more about FVC Summer Schools visit