Forth Valley College’s Leisure Facilities Co-ordinator Wai Mun Lee has teamed up with nurses at Bellsdyke Hospital in Larbert to promote physical health and wellbeing for patients and NHS staff throughout Forth Valley.
The workshop – delivered by Wai – has enhanced the staff’s knowledge of their own in-house gym facility based in Bellsdyke hospital and help them use it safely and effectively, allowing staff to experience different types of training programs and keep fit classes.
Designed to cater for everyone from the complete beginner to the more experienced fitness fanatic, it is hoped that patients at Bellsdyke Hospital as well as NHS Forth Valley staff can not only reap the rewards of utilising their own in-house gym, but enjoy exercising again.
This working relationship between NHS Forth Valley and the college’s Care, Health and Sports Department has opened doors to allow ‘Health, Fitness & Exercise’ (HFE) students to potentially deliver scheduled classes, assist with gym supervision and possibly offer fitness sessions to coincide with their graded units.
Wai Mun Lee, said: “Helping to pilot this physical health and wellbeing NHS staff initiative has been a joy. The staff that took part were enthusiastic and lovely to work with. We all know the importance of exercise and how it can assist individuals to deal with numerous health issues positively, but sadly work always comes first and exercise is always one of last of things on their minds. Hopefully this workshop is the start of a new era for local NHS staff to get fit in their place of work.
“On a personal note I have to take my hat off to Duncan Westall and Aileen Schofield as their passion to help staff get fit and healthy is phenomenal.”
Duncan Westall, Senior Charge Nurse said: "This has been an excellent opportunity for both my staff and for patients under our care. Often with our targets staff feel overlooked but this has allowed staff to be involved on both a personal and professional level. Improving physical health and making lifestyle changes is so important to improving quality of life and this training takes us a further step towards achieving these aims. Staff health is so important for improving morale, reducing sickness and to help workforce who will be expected to work on for longer than previous retirement age. My hope is that staff will inspire others to take up physical exercise both on the Bellsdyke site and beyond and to be role models for patient group."
Aileen Schofield, NHS Health Promotion Officer, said: "NHS Forth Valley staff told us via our Big Staff Health Quiz 2016 that they wanted access to a gym either for free or at a discounted price. There is an excellent gym facility at the Bellsdyke Hospital site and thanks to the bespoke training delivered by Wai to 11 staff members, we will be in a position to ensure the gym is open on an on-going basis throughout 2018 and beyond, that can only be a positive benefit for our staff and patients in relation to their overall health and wellbeing.
“It will provide the perfect opportunity for staff and patients to meet their recommended participation in 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity. By doing this our staff and patients will be best placed to control their weight, reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers such as breast and bowel. Also they will be strengthening their bones and muscles and improving their mood and mental health. In addition, we welcome and value continued partnership working with Wai and Forth Valley College.”
Brian Masterson a course participant, said: “I feel the training I got was extremely helpful and has given me more confidence in using the equipment and free weights. it gave me more knowledge of training programmes for myself and for the patients. I look forward to using the gym more often"
Walter Hoggan another course participant, said: “A fantastic gym training session, very informative. Gave me confidence to go ahead and use the gym.”