Students and staff from BSZ Agrarwirtschaft und Ernahrung – a college based in Dresden – visited Forth Valley College’s Falkirk Campus recently.
Based in Edinburgh, around 35 young people and three staff from BSZ, took part in a study visit of Scotland during September and made sure to drop in to FVC – the fifth time a delegation from the German agricultural college has visited Forth Valley over the last few years.
While at the Falkirk Campus on Tuesday 12 September, the group were given a tour of the Campus – work on which had only just started the last time the leader of the group had visited. It is hoped that FVC students might be able to make a reciprocal visit to Dresden in the future.
Ralph Laspe, Counsellor, PE and English teacher from BSZ who led the trip and has now visited FVC five times (pictured back row left), said: “I'm really impressed by the new campus. The transformation from the old one is massive. It seems that the future of education has already been established here in Falkirk."
Jackie Innes, FVC Operations Manager in the Department of Care, Sport, Business and Communities (pictured front left), said: “It was a pleasure to host Ralph, his colleagues and students on Tuesday and give them a tour of the campus. The students were very impressed by the new Falkirk Campus and the range of courses and opportunities Forth Valley College has to offer.”