Strathcarron Hospice thank Estates staff for donation

Strathcarron Hospice thank Estates staff for donation
Staff Development Day 2023

Strathcarron Hospice has thanked Forth Valley College Estates and Front of House staff for a donation of £157, after they made and raffled wooden Christmas decorations.

The group of staff took part in a special workshop as part of their Staff Development on Friday 24 November and ended up with extra decorations including trees, snowmen and a reindeer or two, to raffle off for the good cause.

They held a raffle at each campus reception for the items they had made and sold 157 tickets!

Claire Kennedy, Corporate Fundraiser, for Strathcarron Hospice, said: “On behalf of everyone at Strathcarron Hospice, thank you for your generous donation of £157, raised at Staff Development Day – making Christmas trees.

“This kind donation can cover the cost of caring for one patient living with a life-limiting illness in the Hospice for 6 1/2 hours, so please do pass on my sincerest thanks to everyone who helped to make this possible.”

Gordon Berry, from Estates, said: “Everyone had a great time throughout the day! And we are delighted that Strathcarron could put the money to good use.”