STEP Scotland held an Employer Engagement Forum event at Forth Valley College’s Stirling Campus on Tuesday 18 June.
The drop in event was aimed at businesses throughout Forth Valley and was set-up as a marketplace with various business support stalls available for local business to seek advice from.
There was also an opportunity to find out what funding is out there for employers to access including support from each of the areas below:
- Training and development (FVC)
- Apprenticeships (FVC)
- Working with university students
- Help with recruitment
- Managing your HR
- Funding for hiring and training
- Working with young people
- Employing and volunteering in the Third Sector
- Payroll and pensions
- Regulatory
- Membership organisations
Refreshments were provided by FVC’s Hospitality students and staff throughout the event that was attended by Gordon Wright, Senior Officer Employer Engagement, Stirling Council, Jenn McArthur, Marketing and Business Development Manager, STEP Scotland and Lynn Blackie, President Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce, SUIP
Gordon Wright, Senior Officer - Employer Engagement, Regeneration & Inclusive Growth, Stirling Council, said: “The Stirling Employer Engagement group is all about supporting employers and employment in the area through any and all of the partners involved. This event is the first of what we hope to be an annual event in partnership with STEP’s Stirling Business Month and is a great opportunity for employers to network and discover the benefits of free support services available locally, as well as engaging with employers who have already taken steps to grow and upskill their team.
“I would like to thank Balfour Beatty, our event sponsors, STEP for organising the event, the team at Forth Valley College for hosting us and to all of the partner organisations who attended.”