Prominent local politician SNP MSP Angus MacDonald dropped into the Falkirk Campus recently (Monday 1 February) to talk to students studying an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Employability course.
The Falkirk East MSP spoke to 18 students -who come from countries ranging from Poland, Hungary, Zimbabwe and Latvia - about the role of an MSP and what his typical week’s work would look like. He also answered questions about issues that would directly affect ESOL students – particularly on the forthcoming in/out Europe referendum.
Access and Progression Lecturer Frances Bryden, said:
“A big thank you goes to Angus MacDonald for taking the time to come in and speak with our ESOL students. They really did find it very useful and gave them an opportunity to find out what Scottish politicians do and how accessible they are compared to their home countries.
“To give a startling comparison, some of the students could not believe that he would arrive on the visit without an armed guard!”