John’s got your Numbas

John’s got your Numbas
John Dickson

Maths lecturer John Dickson – the recipient of the Innovation Award at last year’s Forth Valley College Staff Awards - will be looking for the undivided attention of attendees at the first ever Numbas users meeting to be held at the end of April.

The FVC lecturer has been asked to present a case study showing the way the College has implemented Numbas - an e-Assessment platform which is focussed on allowing users to create e-Assessments for technical subjects primarily Mathematics.

The event which will be held between Monday 25-Friday 29 April has been organised to allow those who use Numbas to collaborate and anyone interested in finding out more about how to attend the event should visit

John, said: “I have used Numbas as a formative assessment tool for around eight years, but during the pandemic it became the main way to assess students remotely and will be the main tool we use to assess students doing maths units in the future. Because of the work I did getting it up and running over the lockdowns, I won the Innovation Award last year at the staff award ceremony. Numbas would be of use to any lecturer teaching a STEM subject.

“The Numbas platform was designed by Newcastle University and it is used by educational establishments worldwide. The Numbas users meeting will involve people from all over the world, including contributions from KU Leuven in Belgium and the University of Newcastle in Australia.

“I am looking forward to participating in the conference and sharing my experience of using Numbas at Forth Valley College. Hopefully I will be able to gain an insight as to how other education establishments are using Numbas. I also hope that by sharing how we have used it in the College other people might learn from this too.”