
Students who have their own homes and pay rent or have a mortgage may be eligible to apply for Housing Funds.

The college cannot cover your full rent/mortgage amount, but can provide assistance with percentage of your weekly cost. Students studying at FE level or HE level course can apply.

If you were previously on benefits such as Universal Credit (for more information you should speak with your benefits office), you may have to come off these benefits once you become a student and will become responsible for your own housing costs.

If you still live at home with your parents and pay ‘digs’ or ‘board money’, you will not be able to apply for these funds.

The housing fund is means-assessed and the percentage of your weekly housing cost that will be paid is based on your household income and circumstances.

Our housing funds come from our discretionary funding which is provided by the Scottish Funding Council and Student Awards Agency Scotland. Currently we do not have confirmed guidance for all of our discretionary funds. We will update this page with information as soon as we receive it.

Please Note: Discretionary Funding is cash-limited and may be withdrawn at any point without notice.

Gross Household Income

Percentage of Eligible Housing Costs Payable

Lone Person (No Other Source of Income)


Lone Person, OR
Household Income < £24,999


£25,000 - £29,999


£30,000 - £39,999


Any Housing Funding award will be rounded up to the nearest whole pound and is capped at a maximum weekly award of £70.00 per week.

Council Tax

Full-time students who live alone, or who share their property with other students may be exempt from paying Council Tax for the duration of their course.

Students who live with non-students may be eligible for a Council Tax reduction for the duration of their course.

Clackmannanshire, Falkirk, and Stirling Councils are provided with a list of students at the start of the academic year (usually a few weeks into the course). This allows the council to verify a student’s status. They may apply the relevant discount on the student’s behalf, but it is advisable that any students contact their Local Authority to confirm.

Any students who are a late enrolment, or whose course starts after August 2023, should contact student.records@forthvalley.ac.uk to request a letter they can provide to their Local Authority.

Any students who are not resident in a Clackmannanshire, Falkirk or Stirling Council area, will require a Proof of Enrolment letter which can also be requested from student.records@forthvalley.ac.uk so they can provide it with their Local Authority.

Any other issues relating to Council Tax should be queried with the student’s Local Authority.