Professional writer Katie White – a former Communication Support Worker and Evening Course Lecturer at Forth Valley College – is set to return to the College with a workshop full of ‘Hope’ during this year’s Book Week Scotland (18-24 November).
Now an exciting emerging talent in television screenwriting and also an author, Katie has accepted an invitation from the organisers of the College’s Book Week Scotland events programme, to present a workshop at the Falkirk Campus on Wednesday 20 November (12noon-1pm) entitled ‘Without stories there is no hope and without hope, we cannot tell our story’.
Former colleagues and their students are queuing up to come along to what is sure to be an informative, entertaining and inspirational event, with classes from the ACE, Lifestart, Workstart and various HNC courses, already booked in to attend.
Katie, who has won an Iris Award and been BAFTA nominated for her short film ‘Middle Man’, left the College in the summer to concentrate full-time on her writing career. She was delighted to then be signed by Meg Davis at the dynamic literary agency, Ki Agency in London.
Katie said: “It’s been an exciting few months, writing wise, but I’m also excited about returning for this Book Week Scotland event at the College. I worked at Forth Valley College for five years and it was a great experience for me. I met some wonderful people who are now friends, and many, many wonderful students, so it’s all the more meaningful for me to come back during Book Week Scotland to present this workshop.”
Katie’s workshop will focus on ‘Hope’. She will be drawing on her own experiences to help the students think about what they want to achieve in the future, and how they can focus to make their hopes become a reality. She will also show her critically acclaimed short film ‘Middle Man’ during the workshop and take questions from the audience.
Katie, who is currently working on TV and book projects, added: “Hopefully I will have something that I have written on coming out on the telly at some point, and I’m very aware that I’m doing these amazing things as a woman turning 60 next year - so imagine what the young students can do by focussing on their hopes instead of being held back by its twin sister fear? Along with some quotes from the brilliant author Donna Ashworth, I hope the workshop can help them do just that.”
To register for Katie’s workshop e-mail or ask at the friendly, helpful staff in the College’s Learning Resource Centres. To find out more about the Scottish Book Trust and Book Week Scotland visit