Roof of the World destination for FVC students

Roof of the World destination for FVC students
Forth Valley College students and staff gear up for a 17-day Turing-funded trip to Nepal, exploring sustainability, culinary tourism, and community engagement in Kathmandu, Chitwan, and Pokhara

Hospitality, Events and Tourism students from Forth Valley College are set to embark on a once in a lifetime 17–day trip to Nepal, visiting the vibrant regions of Kathmandu, Chitwan, and Pokhara.

This unique educational journey, organized in conjunction with the LCCI College in Nepal, will provide students with hands-on experience in culinary arts, professional development, and community engagement, all cantered around the themes of sustainability, community engagement and culinary tourism.

The exciting educational experience in early February, has been made possible after a successful Government Turing Funding application. 

Students: Annie Wardrope, Jordan Fawley, Yana Suriana, Jack Eadie, Heidi Craig, Sophie Stewart, Hannah Kane, Brandon Crews, Adrian Zander and Anastasia Severina have all secured places on the tour after a highly competitive application process. And with only seven weeks until their departure, the group are now in the final stages of preparation to visit to the south Asian country.

Professional Cookery Student Annie Wardrope, said: “We’re both really excited about the opportunity to go to Nepal.”

Classmate Sophie Stewart, added: “To experience the culture and learn about Asian cookery will be amazing.”

FVC Lecturers Arnelle Hall and Chris Foote (both pictured here with the students) will be accompanying the students on the trip.

Karyn King, Operations Manager said “This is a fantastic opportunity for our Hospitality, Events and Professional Cookery students to experience culture and learning in a completely new environment. They will experience a packed itinerary, including trips to a national park, community cooking classes and a local brewery amongst others. 

“This trip will enhance their learning, and give them a new, global insight into their chosen careers, while developing lots of skills. It is fantastic to work in partnership with LCCIGQ, an award winning college in Kathmandu, who are offering support in the planning of the trip and also kindly hosting us, while we are in Nepal.”

Pauline Jackson, FVC's Development and Fundraising Manager, said: "We were delighted to be one of the successful applicants to the UK Government’s Turing Scheme.  Overall, over 750 applications were submitted from across the UK and our project will give Forth Valley College students an amazing opportunity through learning in a global context. This experience will be of huge benefit as they take their next steps into the world of work and further learning."