Study Materials

All students enrolled on a full-time course at a SCQF Level 1-6, should apply for Study Materials Funding.

If you are under 18, your application for Study Materials will not be means-assessed against your parental household income.

Normally, your teaching department will use the Study Materials Fund to buy necessary course equipment on your behalf.

However, you may need to purchase your own uniform or equipment/kit depending on the course you are enrolled on. You should apply for Study Materials Funding to be assessed for reimbursement.

*Please note: only authorised items can be claimed back through the Study Materials fund, if you have any specific queries please contact your teaching department*

If you are applying for a care course and will be required as part of the conditions to complete a PVG disclosure at enrolment, you will be required to pay the full PVG cost at either £59 to join or £18 as an existing PVG member. Once your Material funds are awarded, this amount is then eligible to be refunded. If you have already been finalised and awarded Study Materials prior to applying for your PVG, this cost will be covered.

If you are aged between 16 or 17 you will be eligible for materials regardless of your parent’s income but must still complete the funding application to be awarded.