If you need to pay for childcare while studying, you can apply for assistance with this cost from the college. The college will provide help with eligible childcare costs, however it is means-assessed and subject to fee caps.
Childcare funding is assessed and paid directly to the childcare provider. It is paid in arrears and is for care only. Any additional costs such as registration fees or for meals will not be covered.
Our childcare funds are provided by the Scottish Funding Council and Student Awards Agency Scotland. Currently we do not have confirmed guidance for the administration of childcare funding. We will update this page with information as soon as we receive it.
Please Note: Any information on this page may be subject to change at any time without notice.
To be eligible to receive this funding, you must:
- have a dependent child/children
- meet the residency criteria
- be enrolled on an eligible course
- be using a registered childcare provider
- have taken all available childcare funding from the government* and child tax credits, and if studying a Higher Education level course, have applied for all available funding from SAAS
- be eligible to receive your tuition fees from SAAS. If you do not receive payment of your fees from SAAS you cannot apply for this fund
* If you are on benefits and your child is 2 years old, or your child is pre-school aged you will need to use your free childcare hours before applying for additional funding from the college. Learn more about 2 year old funding from the Scottish government website.
Lone Parents
If you are a lone parent, your childcare funding application will not be means-assessed. You will be able to apply for the full cost of any eligible childcare.
If you are on a Higher Education course, you must apply for the SAAS Lone Parents Childcare Grant before applying to the college for any additional funding. Learn more about applying for funding from SAAS.
Eligible Childcare
The college can assist with childcare costs incurred during timetabled hours, plus an additional hour before and after for travel. Depending on the type of childcare, there are also maximum fee caps.
Childcare funding is means-tested. This means that if you have a partner, their income level will determine the amount of funding you can receive. If your partner is not employed, then you will not be eligible to receive any childcare funding.
Students are responsible for paying any ineligible or additional costs to their childcare provider. For more specific information, contact Student Funding directly.