Lifestart student Rebecca Currie has seen her confidence soar after her work experience placement started at Forth Valley College’s Stirling Campus.
With the help of the Access & Progression Work Placement Co-ordinator, Jean Allan, Rebecca chose the Stirling Campus reception to carry out her placement and has been mentored by the talented team of Susanne Ferguson and Stacey MacKay.
Once a week between the months of October and December 2016, Rebecca has been learning the practises of a working reception area and the duties of a Forth Valley College Information Assistant.
She has completed Health and Safety and VDU inductions, assisted both the public and students/staff with enquiries, processed mail, assisted in copying, funding or absence evidence for students and been the face of reception - meeting and greeting all college users and ensuring they comply with sign in procedures.
Rebecca, said:
“I was apprehensive and nervous on my first day, but now I enjoy it. I feel more confident working with people now. I’ve enjoyed every bit of it. I like being part of a team and speaking to people, but my favourite part was using the franking machine and processing the mail. I enjoyed working in a real environment that has a buzz about it.”
Information Assistant Stacey, said:
“Rebecca wasn’t sure about how she would do in such a front facing placement at first, but feels the placement has helped build her self-confidence both in speaking to people and in her own abilities. She has done exceptionally well.”
Her colleague, Susanne, said:
“Rebecca has been a pleasure to work with and a joy to have at reception. She is determined and willing to try new experiences even if they make her nervous at first. She has true strength of character which is both commendable and obvious when you meet Rebecca. It has been great having her as part of our team.”