New student president checks in

New student president checks in
FVSA President Elena Strachan (left) and Vice President Kirsten Kennedy

Forth Valley Student Association’s (FVSA) new President started in her new role on Wednesday 3 July.

Elena Strachan – a NC Accounting student (pictured left) - takes on the sabbatical role as President after winning the election back in May, and joins Kirsten Kennedy (pictured right) – who will remain as Vice President for a second term.

The new Student President and Vice President will work together to represent the voice of students across Forth Valley College during the 2024-25 academic term.

Elena, said: “I feel excited at taking up the role of President and I am looking forward to carrying out the points in my election manifesto. My message to students is that they should feel free to contact me at any time with any questions and I will do my best to help them.”

Kirsten, said: "I’m so excited, and extremely grateful, to be re-elected as Vice President for a second, and final, year. Representing FVC students is something I’m very proud to be a part of.  I’m also looking forward to working with the new Student President, Elena Strachan. There’s lots of exciting events and projects already being discussed, so watch this space! Here’s to a fantastic 24/25!"

Kasia Slapek, FVSA Student Engagement Co-ordinator, said: “A warm welcome to Elena as she joins our FVSA team, and kudos to Kirsten for her continued dedication.”

Lisa Baxter, FVC’s Student Association and University Partnership Manager, said: “We are delighted to welcome Elena as our new Student President, with many congratulations to Kirsten continuing in post for a second and final term as Vice President.”