Forth Valley College now has a Shakti Women’s Aid worker permanently based within the Student Services Department.
Asma Hussain, Outreach Worker for Forth Valley and West Lothian, is trained to deal with outreach cases of Black, Minority, Ethnic (BME), LGBTI, women and children based in Forth Valley, providing practical and emotional support.
The services include:
• Providing dedicated and consistent emotional and practical support to women and their children who contact Shakti, but are not yet ready to leave their abusive situation.
• To provide follow on support to women who had left an abusive situation, but have chosen to return.
• To help these women and children deal with the emotional difficulties which arise from domestic abuse, and help them to build confidence and links with other agencies that offer support.
• To provide and facilitate opportunities for the woman to make an informed decision about the best way to deal with her situation.
Asma, said:
“I would like to thank all the staff at FVC for making me feel so welcome. I feel this service is going to help so many women and young girls who in the past have not had the courage, help and support to deal with complex issues such as forced marriage, honour based violence and domestic abuse.
“Shakti Women’s Aid understands the importance of being listened to, being believed and not being judged. We also understand that it is crucial that you know that there is a way out of abuse and that women do have choices. Shakti Women’s Aid will give support for what women’s wishes are and to allow them to gain control of their lives. The core values under which we work have developed from what our service users have told us would be most helpful to them.”
Jean Duff, Head of FVC’s Student Services, said:
“We have always had a Women’s Aid presence at the College and they have provided a valuable service to anyone in need. The new Shakti service is an extension of this and one which, in recent years, has shown that there is a real need for. Asma is an excellent professional outreach worker with a great deal of experience in this field and we are delighted she is with us on a permanent – if flexible – basis for at least the next year.”
If you are from the Black Minority Ethnic (BME) community, a woman and in an abusive relationship with a partner. If you fear from honour abuse, forced marriage or domestic violence, you can get help by calling our office in Edinburgh on 0131 4752399. They can then contact your local outreach worker. If you would like Forth Valley College to contact a Shakti worker on your behalf please ask student advisors.
More information:
Women’s Outreach Service Forth valley Outreach & Capacity Building Service
All of Shakti’s adult services provide one to one support for women who contact or are referred to Shakti. This starts with the initial meeting where the client’s needs are assessed and an action plan is drawn up in consultation and agreement with her. The level of support offered is dependent on the action plan and normally includes activities including accompanying women and advocating on their behalf to solicitors, housing, and other agencies.
Shakti Women’s Aid is committed to providing support, information and help to any woman, child or young person, especially those from Black Minority Ethnic (BME) communities, who ask for such help.
Shakti is committed to providing temporary safe accommodation to women and their children where the women have suffered abuse (mental, physical or sexual) in their home or within a relationship with a partner or ex-partner and other members of the family or household.;
Shakti recognises that because a woman seeks accommodation and support, it does not always mean she wants to end her relationship.