Forth Valley College Hospitality Lecturer Michal Tomaszewski has landed a second scholarship with the Hospitality Industry Trust (HIT) Scotland to develop his management skills.
Michal had previously excelled on a scholarship with HIT to explore the benefits of social media in his industry during 2017. It is unusual to land another Scholarship so quickly, but he impressed the adjudicators with his application and will be travelling to the prestigious Ecole Hoteliere in Lausanne, Switzerland between 28-31 May this year, to study at their Hospitality Management School.
Based at the college’s Gallery Restaurant at the Stirling Campus Michal is just one of no more than 250 scholarships awarded this year by the organisation. He was awarded his latest scholarship at the HIT Emerging Talent Conference held at the Glasgow Central Hotel on Thursday 8 February.
It is also ironic that he will be studying at the Ecole Hoteliere as ten years ago, this is where he wanted to begin his Hospitality career. However, annual study fees of 20,000 Euros for four years, prevented him from taking his dream any further.
He said: “It was great to study for and complete the social media scholarship last year and it inspired me to apply again and I am absolutely delighted and very grateful that they have awarded me another one.
“I am looking forward to the Management Scholarship very much, it is very exciting. It is ironic that I will be studying at the place where I had harboured ambitions of learning at when I was younger, so I have come full circle. The School is a training hotel offering the highest standards of hospitality service and will give me the full overview of hospitality management.
“I will be learning from people with a wealth of experience and taking in classes in theoretical and practical management. I can’t wait to bring back the benefit of this excellent experience back to the Hospitality students here at Forth Valley College.”