An Education Scotland Progress Visit at the end of February has reinforced the 'Excellent' quality of work being carried out by Forth Valley College as outlined in their 2018 Evaluative Report and Enhancement Plan.
The report released by Education Scotland (for 2017/18) - recorded an Excellent grade for Leadership and Quality and two Very Good grades for Outcomes and Impact and for Delivery of Service at the College and the recent visit provided an opportunity for FVC to review progress on objectives set out within the document.
As a result the inspectors were satisfied with the areas they covered and found out more about some of the good work happening across the College including: Gender Action Plan, Mentoring of Learning and Teaching, Review of Pastoral Support (Time4Me: Use and impact of ‘Triple S’), Stakeholder Engagement in Evaluative Reporting, Leadership and Quality (improvement in performance and success) and Dissemination of Outcome Agreement targets to Directors of Curriculum and curriculum teams (understanding and monitoring of targets) – and the report concluded that “no further progress or actions were required”.
The Progress Visit also provides reassurance to key stakeholders on the effectiveness of improvement actions undertaken by individual colleges. Whilst undertaking the visits, Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Education take account of the context and individual nature of each college.
Dr Ken Thomson, Principal of Forth Valley College, said: “We hosted a college progress visit from Education Scotland at the end of February, which aimed to review how well we were working towards the targets and milestones set out in our Evaluative Report and Enhancement Plan, which was published in 2018.
“I’m delighted to say that the progress visit went very well and we are making satisfactory progress towards all our objectives. A massive thank you to all those involved in helping the College to achieve this.”