Creative Industries students from Forth Valley College are set to screen their work at an exciting festival this week, hosted by the Tolbooth Theatre in Stirling.
At total of 14 students from courses including BA Digital Media, HND Media and Communications, HND Contemporary Art Practice, Access to Creative Media and Foundation Apprenticeship in Creative and Digital Media are set to have their audio visual work premiered online over a two day period from 3-4 June. Anyone wishing to view the work can visit for more information.
This is the second year in a row the event has been organised and content will be premiered at regular intervals through the festival website, with opportunities to engage with the creators via live on Forth Valley social media channels.
Students involved are: Alan Robertson (Living with AHD), Andrew Cowell (VR & Me), Bethany Richardson (My Remote Journey), Celine Grech (Pandemic Pals), Chloe Armstrong (FACE It), Erin Lumsden (D2 The Creative Centre), Kirstie Young (Remote), Kornelija Anele Kuzmickaite (Analogue Photography in a Digital World), Laura, Borge (The Real Cost of Fast Fashion), Lisa Paterson (Lockdown Recipes Rhubarb Berry Crumble), Natasha Gray and Ryhs Mason (FVC Art & Design Tolbooth Exhibtion Preview/Review), Natasha Gray (Collide), Patricio Solf Tuesta (Insignificant Life) and Sammuel Loaiza (A Closer Look at Stirling).
Creative Industries Lecturer Steven Ramage, said: “I would urge anyone to take some time out to view the work being screened by our students as it is all of a very high calibre. My colleagues and I have been very impressed by what the students have created and are very proud that such a wide range of courses are represented at the festival. Well done to everyone and we can’t wait to see the reaction to all the work on display.”