Event sweetener to ease Life’s Lemons

Event sweetener to ease Life’s Lemons

An event to be held in Forth Valley College’s Falkirk Campus games hall on Friday May 17 (from 1-4pm), certainly won’t leave a sour taste in the mouth of those taking part.

Life’s Lemons – an obstacle course game of life – has been created by students from the NC Working with Communities course and aims to help developing the life skills of those taking part.

Supported in partnership by NHS Scotland, Citizens’ Advice Bureau, Forth Valley Student Association, Dunfermline Advocacy, Homestart and Kersiebank Community Project the event hopes to attract students and staff for an afternoon of fun and helpful information.

Student Shannon Easton, said: “As part of our course we needed to plan an event. Ours is based around developing life skills and other benefits of this event would be that it promotes both mental and physical health, self-sufficiency and soft skills development.

“We are having an activity/obstetrical course, and on this there will be tables set up with simple activities to complete such as, collecting your randomly generated wages, pay the bills though a letter box, buy and carry home the shopping and put it away.”