An engaging football focussed training event for primary school pupils, allowed Centre Forward students to showcase their skills and also celebrate the Great Get Together, in memory of Jo Cox MP recently.
Comely Park Primary School in Falkirk, was the venue for the event on Friday 21 June and 210 pupils were delighted to take part, celebrating what we have in common with each other.
This was the third UK wide Great Get Together, inspired by Jo Cox, who was killed on 16 June 2016. By helping to fund events like this each year, the Foundation set up in her name, hopes to encourage people to reject divisive politics and simply bring communities together and celebrate all that unites society.
Pauline Barnaby, FVC’s Development and Fundraising Manager, said: “We successfully applied for grant funding of £300 from the Great Get Together to run a fun sports event which gave the Centre Forward students a fantastic experience of organising and planning an event which they used to develop their skills and confidence. It also gave an opportunity for groups in the community who may not normally to meet a chance to “get together” and celebrate what we have in common.”
FVC’s Department of Business and Communities – who have extensive expertise in this area – have teamed up with Falkirk Football Community Foundation (FFCF) who will use the ‘Development through Sport’ model to run the Centre Forward – Making Your Next Move Project. It will help accelerate learning and development as well as promote self-esteem and confidence.
Combined with certificated SQA units, the project will offer a comprehensive suite of skills that will enable each young person taking part to overcome their individual barriers to progression. All of the classroom based workshops are coupled with practical sport/physical activity sessions to enhance skills-for-work, decision-making, problem-solving and team work, whilst enhancing feelings of belonging, contribution and achievement.
In addition, young people taking part are enrolled as FVC students and will therefore benefit from the range of student resources available, including the Learning Resource Centre, Student Services and on-campus gym.
The Changing Lives Through Physical Activity grant programme- which helps to fund the programme - is supported by The Robertson Trust, The Scottish Government, sportscotland and Spirit of 2012.
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