This year the student association vice president has been working in partnership with the Carers Trust Scotland, local carers centres and student carers to enhance the support that is available to student carers at Forth Valley College.
A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.
There are a huge number of carers within not only our local community but our national community who provide an invaluable service and are unpaid for the work that they do. Statistics have shown that student carers are 4 times more likely to drop out of college or university than those who don't have caring responsibilities. In recognition of this the student association wanted to do work to support this vulnerable group who provide this fantastic service and ensure that they are not disadvantaged by their caring role.
As a result of the work carried out this year a carers support group has been set up where anyone who wishes to show their support to carers or anyone with caring responsibilities can attend.
The group is there to provide a safe place for anyone with caring responsibilities to offload and share their lived experiences with others who are or may be in similar situations to themselves. The group will also be a good place to discuss and share information on services and support at the college and the wider area with fellow carers and there will also be information and resources available at the sessions for any carers who may require it.
If you are a carer or would just like to attend and show your support to your fellow student carers then we would love to see you there.
Days and Times are below :
Falkirk Campus : 15 January 2018, 12pm - 1pm (room 6)
Stirling Campus : 23 January 2018, 11am - 12pm (room S1.03)
Alloa Campus : 31 January 2018, 12pm - 2pm (room A201)
Carers Support Group - Falkirk Campus