Authors on the same page at FVC

Authors on the same page at FVC
Lisa and Alan

Two Scottish authors helped Forth Valley College staff and students celebrate Book Week Scotland with visits to the Stirling and Alloa Campuses.

Kerry Hudson spent the afternoon at the Stirling Campus on Wednesday 20 November, in the Kildean Suite between 2.30pm - 4pm and the award winning Aberdeen born author read from some of her works and took questions from audience members. You can find out more about Kerry Hudson on her website:  

Another award winning author Alan Bissett, also a playwright and performer, was the focus of a similar event at the Alloa Campus today on Thursday 21 November in the Learning Resource Centre from 2pm - 3pm. More information on Alan at

Book Week Scotland is an annual celebration of books and reading that takes place across the country and organised by the Scottish Book Trust.

Lisa MacLaren, FVC’s Learning Services Coordinator, said: “It has been a privilege to have been identified by Book Week Scotland to host two events funded by the Scottish Book Trust this week.  We were so lucky to have secured two well-known award winning authors who engaged staff, students and members of the public into the world of writing. The buzz around campus after both events was phenomenal and I cannot thank Alan Bissett and Kerry Hudson enough for coming along to Forth Valley College and entertaining us with the written and spoken word.”


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Kerry Hudson at Stirling.
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Book table